Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved…                                                        Mark 16:16

Steele’s Chapel Christian Church

Established 1876

What we Believe:


-We rely on the Bible only as the basis of authority;

-We believe the Scriptures are infallible:  The miracles and events recorded

literally happened;

-We believe in the Trinity:  God the Son(sent to Earth in the flesh as Jesus),

 God the Father, and God the Holy Spirit;

-We believe that Christ was crucified, buried and bodily resurrected;

-We believe that Christ will return and that there will be a Judgment Day, assigning all to Heaven or Hell;

-We believe that salvation comes through Faith in Christ, not by works,

 and that Faith is expressed by trusting in Christ, repenting from sin,

 publicly confessing Jesus as Savior and Lord, and submitting to the

command to be baptized into Christ;

-We believe baptism is by immersion, only for those old enough to

 believe, and it is for the remission of sins and the reception of the Holy


-We partake in the Lord’s Supper (communion) weekly;

-We seek to allow liberty in areas where the Scriptures are silent, but

to stand firm where the Scriptures speak;

-We seek to save the lost, edify the saved, help the needy and to

spread the Gospel of Christ through our actions in the community and

by supporting missions abroad;

-We follow the New Testament pattern for leadership in the local

churches: spiritually led by Elders, preached by ordained Ministers, and

assisted/served by Deacons;

Minister: Andrew Darden

Steele’s Chapel Christian Church

2376 5th Street Road

Corbin, KY  40701


Steele's Chapel Church as it appears today